If You Have This Gene, Be Worried About Alzheimer's

5.8 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease (the most common form of dementia) as of 2020, according to the CDC. "It's important for those over 65 to be aware of the early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's and consider a cognitive assessment every 5 years to be proactive," says Melanie Keller, ND. Here are five warning signs of Alzheimer's—including the specific gene associated with the disease.

40-65% of people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease carry the APOE-e4 gene—the gene associated with the strongest risk of Alzheimer's. "When a person has an increased risk for Alzheimer's due to their family history, I recommend specific functional testing that measures Alzheimer's-associated immune reactivity to identify the early stage of neurodegenerative processes and/or to monitor the effectiveness of lifestyle modifications for Alzheimer's disease.

In my practice, I order a test that includes a person's genetic (APO-E) status since one of the three forms (APOE-e4) is the first risk gene identified that remains the gene with the strongest impact on Alzheimer's risk.

40-65% of people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease carry the APOE-e4 gene—the gene associated with the strongest risk of Alzheimer's. "When a person has an increased risk for Alzheimer's due to their family history, I recommend specific functional testing that measures Alzheimer's-associated immune reactivity to identify the early stage of neurodegenerative processes and/or to monitor the effectiveness of lifestyle modifications for Alzheimer's disease.

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Dr. Melanie ND

Dr. Melanie ND, “The Intuitive Edge Doctor” helps people understand their lives and bodies better so they receive the precise care they need. After having gut health problems over half her life, Dr. Melanie uses her naturopathic expertise and epigenetic intuition to get results. Many of the people she’s been able to help had sought out treatment for years including major hospitals around the world. Dr. Melanie has spoken about small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) on numerous podcasts, summits and as a keynote symposium speaker. She contributed to the development of the SIBO Center in Portland, Oregon has been published in the Townsend Letter The Examiner of Alternative Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor News and Review (NDNR), Eat This, Not That! and featured Top of The List on “The List TV”.


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